Welcome Back


My name is Chris. But in University my nickname was Berg. And this is my Place.

I wanted to create my own little space on the internet to share with people my everyday life, as interesting or uninteresting as that may be.

In a world of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, it seems like everyone is doing just that from their mobiles. It has almost become instinct for most, and to be honest I want a piece of the action.

I did fancy a blog better though because I have always enjoyed writing.

So here it is.

Since this is an introduction I’ll start off by saying, I have 5 Children. Although I’m sure some people have more children than I do I  am at that point when my friends and family look at me in disbelief, and strangers comment that I must have my hands full. In truth, they are correct; however it is also a heck of a lot of fun. I hope you will see through this blog what a unique and rewarding experience pushing past three children is.

I have a busy home life made more challenging because Im a single Dad who shares custody of our children 50/50 and my oldest son has Type 1 Diabetes, so I am constantly challenged with our diets and diaries.

I try to keep a Positive Mental Attitude, and keep fit using the Insanity workout and Cycling around my Lancashire home.

I am a runner, I run when I can and I take part in races for various charities.

I also love Ice Hockey. I used to manage a Roller Hockey team, which I coached, managed and played for. I have played in Canada. I watch the game regularly (I’m a Colorado Avalanche Fan) and currently I play for a number of recreation Ice Hockey teams, including Altrincham Aardvarx, Blackpool Seagulls and Blackburn Falcons.

My Son has recently started to play and I have just started my Level 1 Coaching course.

I also like, WWE, Reading, Writing, Watching TV and Movies, Comics, and Adventuring in the great outdoors.

So here we go, that’s the intro, stay tuned, follow us on Twitter and Instagram and I hope we grow together as I share this journey with you. And maybe we all learn a little something along the way.

And now you can subscribe to doses of clips from our crazy household and Ice Hockey via our YouTube channel Bergs Place on YouTube


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